The above photo shows Obama with “Baby,” a three-legged dog that lost its fourth limb following years of mistreatment at a California puppy mill. The toy poodle spent much of its life locked in a small wire cage. The breeders cut out Baby’s... vocal chords so that they would not have to hear her cries. In cages next to her, other dogs literally went insane, spinning repetitively with blank stares. Still others were gravely ill, maimed and had filthy, matted coats. A number was tattooed on the inside of Baby’s ear, marking her as just one of many dogs at the mill.
Barack Obama posed for this picture for Jana Kohl’s book A Rare Breed of Love. Obama has co-sponsored Dick Durbin’s Bill to crack down on abusive puppy mills, and has earned the first ever presidential endorsement from the Human Society.
Barack Obama posed for this picture for Jana Kohl’s book A Rare Breed of Love. Obama has co-sponsored Dick Durbin’s Bill to crack down on abusive puppy mills, and has earned the first ever presidential endorsement from the Human Society.
Ainda senador, Obama fez campanha pela adoção de animais.
O então senador Barack Obama e hoje presidente dos EUA Barack Obama posa em 2005 com Baby, um cãozinho de três patas, numa campanha pró-adoção de animais. A foto está no livro 'A rare breed of love', (Uma rara espécie de amor), de Jana Kohl, no qual Obama e outras celebridades americanas posam ao lado de cãezinhos para adoção. Baby nasceu em uma 'fábrica de filhotes' (que cria os animais em gaiolas e de maneira considerada desumana). Segundo a autora, Obama teria prometido que, quando tivesse um cão de estimação, iria escolhê-lo em um abrigo para dar o exemplo.