
Do you need to hire a pet sitter?
Perhaps you are thinking about taking a trip, or maybe you have already planned your next vacation. What about your pet - have you made arrangements for him? If you cannot travel with your pet, remember to plan his accommodations, too. You may consider boarding him or asking a friend or family member to take care. If you prefer the peace of mind from knowing that a trained professional is caring for your dog in your home, then you might want to hire a pet sitter. Pet sitters provide customized care for your pet, working to create as little stress as possible for you and your buddy.
We visit your home and care for your pets while you are away. We feed them, change their water, clean their bowls, give them any medication they might need, play with them and take them for regular walks if you require. We monitor their behaviour and well-being and take the necessary actions if we notice any abnormalities. Advanced Pet Sitting sitters will care for all animals - dogs, cats, birds, rats and mice, guinea pigs, fish, etc. All our sitter are fully trained, many of them coming from the animal industry, they are police and credit checked and their performance is closely monitored. There is always a back-up pet sitter if your primary cannot make it.

Benefits of having a pet sitter visiting your house:

• Your pets live in their own enviromnment, where all the sights, smells, and sounds are familiar
• Your pets will not be traumatised by travel to the boarding destination
• It gives you a peace of mind, knowing that your loved pet is at home and being cared for just the way you would want
• Minimal to none exposure to illnesses of other animals
• You don’t have to impose on a friend, neighbor or relative who may forget to care for your pet
• You will have a piece of mind that someone will keep an eye on your house on a daily basis, and if something is amiss you will be notified immediately
• You can use other special and free of charge services, such as watering plants and bringing in mail

A usual visit would includes:

• Feeding
• Change of water
• Playtime
• Care and attention
• Administering medicines
• Dog walking (optional)
• Kitty litter change
• Poop scooping

By request we can also provide the following services:
• Mail collection
• Bins in/out
• Plant  or garden watering